Peace And War
It's a difficult time for many teachers and here we offer some ideas, activities, resources for teaching this difficult topic.
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Over a decade ago, I launched “Project Peace”. Almost 100 classes from all over the world made and shared videos of peace. I think many teachers might use the archive as inspiration and create videos in the same way - to promote and honor peace in their schools and classrooms.
Here is just one example of the many Project Peace videos, we’ve managed to keep and archive.
It’s not too difficult for students with their phones, to create a Project Peace video. Here are some simple steps but read more on the archived webpage for the project.
Choose a song that the class wants to use for the video. We offer some choices but there are many more out there.
Provide each group, several lines from the song and a blank piece of paper for each line of the song.
Students draw and contextualize each line on paper, writing the line also, as a subtitle.
Take pictures of the students with their papers or just take photos of the drawings. Order them.
Upload the drawings online or into a video creating software. I use Canva but even putting them into a PowerPoint works, to generate a video. Add te music, create transitions, generate the video.
Lastly, share online your class video promoting peace.
What other activities might you do in class? Here are a few but see our previous post about Peace In The Classroom.
Discussion. Use a set of questions to talk about what peace and war. Get students to list the costs of war, that can be insightful. We have many resources to use - search under “war” or “peace”.
Posters. Students write out their feelings about what war is or peace is, to make a poster. Their own personal statement and poem. Use this free template or see our other resources.
There are so many other activities that are possible on this topic. See our full sets under the tags of “peace” and “war” in our Lesson Library. This full bundle has so much to offer teachers, for teaching about peace.
As educators, let’s keep educating towards creating a more peaceful, understanding world.