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Halloween will soon be here.
ELT Buzz produces 100s of quality lesson materials each month. Halloween of course is a great theme we’ve fully covered and find our Halloween-related lesson materials for it in our lesson library.
Here are our top, top favs, and musts for Halloween lessons!
Set The Mood. Watch a Dark, Dark Tale. A classic repetitive tale that will scare the bejeezus out of anyone. Set the climate for Halloween with this classic story. Lots of fantastic vocabulary. Get the resources and also view our own even spookier version. My own narration!
Decorate the classroom! Spend time speaking English, identifying common Halloween vocabulary and things, and then get out some scissors and decorate the classroom, draw, hang, make Halloween gift candy bags and more …
Spooky Stories. Advanced. Students can read and also tell and write their own scary stories. It’s a great activity, retelling a story. Set the lights low and let your students tell their scary stories! Use these templates. See these 5 spooky stories. And don’t miss – The House On The Lake. Or use any ghost story.
Halloween Vocabulary. All Levels. Students need to learn all the specific vocabulary related to the Halloween holiday. Try this bundle for adv. learners or these for beginners. Many more in the ELT Buzz Lesson Library. See this video.
Scare Videos. All Levels. These work like a charm to set the tone for a Halloween lesson. Here is one we recommend. Turn up the speakers and tell students to watch and tell you why the person falls off the bike.
The History Of Halloween. Advanced. It’s good to discuss and learn about how Halloween came about. This video and lesson materials gives a great rundown. Also, try a Halloween-related quiz.
Restoration. Beginners. A video ghost story. This story is simple and easy for students to understand. Stop before he goes for a drive and see if students can predict the scary ending. View the lesson sequencing materials. Speaking of ghost stories - see these ones.
The House On The Lake. Probably our most popular story for adv. levels based on reviews on TeachersPayTeachers. A poem that is really scary. See our full set of resources with video and read-along versions.
Jeopardy. Quiz your students with this fantastic game. All the bells and whistles! Even try Family Feud for Halloween fun.
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