Halloween is always a must for all classes, whatever the age or level. See our previous post about Halloween.
There are so many fun activities to be done to the tune of the spooky, Halloween theme. Here are some of our best ideas and resources available in the Lesson Library.
Superstitions and beliefs. Question students about what they believe in and don’t believe in. Question and debate some beliefs about ghosts, ufos and more …
The House On The Lake. For higher levels. A great, creepy story. Probably our most popular themed lesson material on TpTs. Use our own video version or this alternative one.
Ghost stories. Speaking of stories, use ghost stories to liven up the class. Tell them and scare each other. Also, see our classic - Dark, Dark, Tale. A must!
Vocabulary N Games. See this full activity book. Play Jeopardy or Family Feud. Try Unscramble. Or see our Halloween Bingo sets.
The History Of Halloween. It’s an interesting tale and there is a lot to learn about how this tradition came to be and spread around the world. Use the video about it.
Carve a Jack-O-Lantern. If you can swing it, bring one to class to carve and describe the actions, steps in English. Or decorate one on paper!
Of course, put on a scary surprise video like the one above. It always works to set the tone. Sorry for scaring you half to death!
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