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What ELT Buzz Is About

Our annual appeal for your support and some words about what ELT Buzz is all about.

It’s back to school time for many of us and it’s also the time of year ELT Buzz shares briefly what we are about.

In the above video on our YouTube channel, I share a bit of what we offer teachers. Also, find out more in our brochure. Click the links to check out our services, resources, tools and platforms. Here is an online version of the brochure.

Elt Buzz Brochure 2024
1.29MB ∙ PDF file

This past year, we’ve supported 100s of 1,000s of teachers worldwide, many through our LinkedIN group - ELT Professionals.

Our Lesson Library is a labor of love and going forward Year Subscribers will get full access to our Top 100 YouTube Videos Lesson Platform. It’s like your own world of video lessons.

This year, we’ve been working to produce and restore to digital form many of the forgotten works of the past in Project Gutenberg. Find many of them on our YouTube channel.

Our newsletters and blog both continue to grow exponentially and we are committed to helping all teachers in their journey becoming a better teacher.

Lastly, check out our TpTs store for purchase of individual lesson bundles. Also, many freebies. It all helps us pay to maintain our services (be assured we don’t make profit! I wish but alas … ).

Thank you for your support in any way you can manage it. Happy teaching and learning.

David - ELT Buzzer-in-Chief

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ELT Buzz Teaching Resources
ELT Buzz Teaching Resources